Post# 1579737128

23-Jan-2020 5:52 am

|| MbS hacked Bezos' phone

As per the news in media right now : not only did MbS hacked Bezos' phone, he also taunted him after the hack.

The reason was Khashoggi, who worked for Washington Post, which was owned by Zeff Bezos. The hack took place, as MbS chatted with Bezos on WhatsApp for some time and then sent him a link which compromised the pone and sent all data to MbS.

MbS was assisted in this work by his cybersecurity advisor. Technology was purchased from Israel, we can guess.

|| Apple shares all your phone data with NSA

Another news is that Apple no matter how much security it provides on the phone, copies and stores all you phone data on their server un-encrypted due to NSA pressure. Obviously it is sharing these data with them.

|| WhatsApp isn't secure

People have a false sense of security regarding WhatsApp, assuming they don't share data with governments. It might had been secure once upon a time when it was owned by WhatsApp group, but hardly is since then. After it had been purchased by FaceBook. Note again FB owns WhatsApp.

|| Use your own end to end encrypted communication

If I had been some underground gang leader, I would have used my own end to end encrypted protocol for communication instead of depending on all these compromised chat services. Its so easy to write an end to end encrypted communication service. But no one does, even though they falsely claim they do, because it doesn't make them money.

People believe Telegram is end to end encrypted. It isn't.

23-Jan-2020 5:52 am
