Post# 1578156320

4-Jan-2020 10:45 pm

A lot of drum beats in Iran, now whether these remain empty talk or turn into action and to what magnitude remains to be seen.

Majority of our BD Islamist : "Iran will do nothing. It doesn't have the gut. And even if it does, we oppose it anyway."

Me feeling a bit pro-Iran recently.

The side takings - who's on which side :

Moderate, Right wing.
Most of the common people that aren't "into" anything.

Most of our Islamist bros.
Jihadi - strongly against.
Young Deobandi scholars - anti.
Pro-Saudi or anti-Saudi Salafies - anti.
Berlovi-Majari - anti

That was my take.

Lets watch, without fighting within ourselves. We have a lot of divisions already. Come on, its about supporting or not. Don't take it too far or too hard.

So watch on.

  • pv - pipe view.

4-Jan-2020 10:45 pm
