Post# 1577466766

27-Dec-2019 11:12 pm

"I want your advice..."

And I smell trouble. It's not "advice" he is seeking, rather he has made up his mind, and wants me to support his choice.

But even before that, the challenge for me is to guess correctly which side he is leaning. He won't come forward with it directly. And until I find out, he will come up with one after another argument against any "advice" I come up for him.

He wants to listen I supporting what he has already prepared in his head.

Therefore, "I want your advice..."
It's more like "Can you guess what I am thinking?"

Maybe yes, maybe no.
But the truth is, I used to play that game when I was a kid.

Which is why I don't give advice. :-)

Q. "But aren't you giving advice all the time on FB?"
A. Maybe, but these aren't what you want to hear.

27-Dec-2019 11:12 pm
