Post# 1576805870

20-Dec-2019 7:37 am

Remember Syria? The single country that has toppled the whole world upside down? They started a civil war. Their people fled to Europe. Europeans got divided on what to do with them. UK decided to pull out of EU just so that UK doesn't have to accept Syrian refuges, leading to Brexit drama. And USA got a president like Trump only because of his strong position again immigration.

The world turned on its head because of a single country -- Syria.

I feel right now BD is doing the same to the world.

Before the Rohinga issue, processions in Burma carried banners displaying "Get Bangla out of Burma". Leading ultimately to the creation of the largest refuge shelter in the world.

And now India is burning. Check Indian local news reports and you can figure out why.

It's all about chasing Bangladeshis back into their home land. All their talk, tweet and discussion are about BD.

We are the proud next Syrians, me feels.

Get ready. Time's coming.

20-Dec-2019 7:37 am
