Post# 1576055592

11-Dec-2019 3:13 pm

Chetona's song :

The first BD news site online was bdnews24. And surprise, that was ran by hardcore believers in chetona, that not only stored some passive chetona in heart by were proactive bullies in attacking others.

So far, so good.

"Respect other's faith too" -- I do.
"They are fighters of justice" -- indeed.

And then our PM declared last month during crack down how an editor of a newspaper called a bank manager to blackmail him for monetary extortion.

"Which newspaper?" -- everyone asked.

Mamabzamin's editor posted an open letter in his paper "It ain't me". Maybe the rumors were strong it was him.

And then the news "It's the editor of bdnews24 dot com."

Today's news all of his bank accounts have been frozen with millions stored in those.

Tip of the iceberg.

Wondering what we shall take for all those vocal attacks on others all those years defending his chetona.

The preacher and his hate.

11-Dec-2019 3:13 pm
