Post# 1576024796

11-Dec-2019 6:39 am

"Bernie Sanders has a $150 billion plan to turn the internet into a public utility with low prices and fast speeds — here's how his plan works"

I said Wao! That should be a winning bid. Who doesn't want it? Then read the details. Basically break up the service providers, force them to sell at low price and make rule that connection speed never drops bellow a certain level.

It isn't government providing the service. It's about forcing others to sell their service at government sanctioned price.

Well, that's communism, again. Where incompetent people take shelter. It doesn't work, and that's proven again and again. But it's easy to get people excited for it and make them believe they are going to live a happy life like the successful people without the hard work.

11-Dec-2019 6:39 am
