Post# 1575862439

9-Dec-2019 9:33 am

Terminologies - 2 :

"Khareji" : An evil group that existed since the time of Prophet Muhammed ﷺ and he opposed them and declare that Kharejis will be in hell fire. People from this group try to be excessively right in opinion so as to term most of all other Muslims as wrong. Which encourages them to leave the muslim community and fight against the community.

Now out of the modern groups, which one does this term refer to? Depends on whom you ask. And as for me I view the current generation of Manhajis as Khareji.

"Murjia" : The opposite of Khareji. Basically Kharejis call the others Murjia. Which refers to people who decline to label wrong as wrong.

Now I have used "wrong" as a soft substitute for the real term. The word "wrong" above is used to indicate "so much wrong and misguided as to be out of the bounds of Islam. People that no longer can be called Muslims. And should be slaughtered and killed." <-- this whole sentence is summarized above in a single word "wrong".

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    A. Blocked. :-)

9-Dec-2019 9:33 am
