Post# 1575860263

9-Dec-2019 8:57 am

Terminologies that I use in my statuses :

"Manhaji" : Basically Jihadi. ISIS and AQ supporters in BD. The reason why they are called Manhaji is because they introduced this term at one time a few years back, and by that term they referred to their ideologies and rules that they follow. And unless you want to use the hot word "Jihadi" in your status, which will trigger a lot of alarms all over the net, plus filters and scrutiny from three lettered government organizations, we use this obscure word Manhaji to refer to them.

"Big Bros" : Senior brothers in Universities that teach Manhaj or other ideologies to juniors and freshmen. This is the main source from where ideologies propagate. They are also active on Facebook and other channels and collectively referred to as Big Bros. The name comes from the exact words they are called by in the Universities [বড় ভাই].

Now I am not saying they are all bad. Not saying they are all good. I am just "The Watchmen."

  • FAQ : "But, shouldn't you...?"
    A. Who cares? You do what you believe you should do. And I ain't with you.

9-Dec-2019 8:57 am
