Post# 1574165200

19-Nov-2019 6:06 pm

I lived through most part of my life in the 70s in one or other communist regimes. And these types of crisis were common. That was because the government controlled the price.

The same thing is happening in BD. First two trucks of salt supply were confiscated in Sylhet by "magistrates" because "they were selling the salt sacks at a higher price".

Now whether this is a criminal offence or if that guarantees businessmen's supply being confiscated without a pay -- is something we are forbidden to talk about. Regardless as a "Bangali" we are happy to see other businessmen suffer.

This confiscation event caused a chain reaction in Sylhet market and salt price rise overnight. And it struck Dhaka and the whole country the next day.

The more you rip off businesses believing that "they deserve so" the more we face supply crisis and price hikes. Crisis and spikes lead to even more crack downs. Which leading to more crisis and price hikes.

And then we are back to the communist regimes in the 70s. Where we had to stand in line for hours for a dozen of eggs. Because otherwise "the free market makes profit" which is forbidden.

God save us, specially me.

19-Nov-2019 6:06 pm
