Post# 1573141045

7-Nov-2019 9:37 pm

Today is 102th anniversary of October Revolution in Soviet Russia.

It brought in Communism, that ruled the world for so long and destroyed so much.

I wonder where would have Russia stood if it hadn't dip into Communism for 70 years. And how would have China done had it still not been in Communism.

Remembering all our Communist comrades in BD from the 80s, that were so smart in their logic, argument and debate -- and still so wrong.

They had everything, intellectual support, media support, propaganda machines in place and reasoning support. What number of people can still understand that "The rich sucks poor workers blood and continue to get richer!" -- is a wrong reasoning in every way.

Communism -- you can win in arguments while still being in the wrong, and then reality will strike, you will end up holding your ideologies in hand, and nothing else.

Watch the Jihadis, I have watched how they have followed the same path.

  • php7.3

7-Nov-2019 9:37 pm
