Post# 1573003490

6-Nov-2019 7:24 am

How does Rupali Guitar sound without music?

Aiub Bacchu's most famous song was "Rupali Guitar". I never was his fan but because he lived for so long, his music was being played over and over many times in many places.

And I thought Rupali Guitar was all about him playing a guitar, and there wasn't any vocal in it, like his other songs, as he wasn't a vocalist, rather a guitarist. Large bodied man like him shouldn't have any appreciable vocal tune anyway, this whole genre of his time covered it up with instruments.

Right? Apparently wrong.

Here's his Rupali Guitar -- minus the Guitar. He did have something to say and it wasn't anything like shouting.

You will hear a lot of silence in this video, these were music which has been cut off.


6-Nov-2019 7:24 am
