Post# 1572713096

2-Nov-2019 10:44 pm

Looking back - the 80s.

"Blade Runner" was famous film from our time, released in 1982. But they showed that these events will take place in the future. Future when? Nov 2019. And here we stand!

So Right now we are living in the future that Blade Runner events supposedly took place. And the "Replicants" aren't here. And still the emotional part we face from that film is "death", death that replicants were so desperate to escape.

The famous end dialog tears in rain : "I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. ... all those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die."

Interestingly we have now lived through the future date of

Terminator's 2003.
Back to the future's 2015.
And now Blade Runner.

2-Nov-2019 10:44 pm
