Post# 1567126770

30-Aug-2019 6:59 am

|| Amazon fire

Amazon fire wasn't a special case, neither there is any conspiracy from the president of Brazil, as even larger number of wild fires are being detected in mid Africa. This is part of the global wild fire phenomenon that's going on since Siberia and northern Canadian wild fire.

But all of these indicate the global warming situation has got into a feedback loop -- it's getting warmer because it's warm.

|| Indian economy

Indian economy in tail spin. I thought central back handing over to the gov $24B was an indication of too much cash -- until news started to float that the economy is in trouble. But every country's economy is in trouble, what's new for India? The fact is India's economy is doing worse than Bangladesh's. That's what Indians are currently talking about. Car manufacturing is down 40% over year. And its currency valuation is nearing that of BD's. 100 BD = 86 Indian.

|| Israel

Israel will be at forefront in the next ME war. Pompeo has promised to support Israel with arms and cash for as long as it needs to run a war. Israel's border reinforcement has increased, troops leaves cancelled, and it's basically following : attack the neighboring Iranian interests until they strike back. Iran hasn't strike back yet. But if they do, USA will step in.

30-Aug-2019 6:59 am
