Post# 1566066697

18-Aug-2019 12:31 am

Forget all those gold framed apple watches. Planning to go for Mi Band 4, for fitness tracking.

Q. "What can it do that my mobile can't"
Nothing. It's just a convenient way to look at your mobile screen without pulling it out from pocket.

It has a heart rate monitor. But so does your mobile. You need to hold your finger on the mobile camera for 10 secs and run an app. This one is just convenient.

And here goes my old beloved Casio watch out. I had been using it for 3 years without a battery change and its still running fine on solar. The straps aren't torn, while all old casio watches I wore in the 90s were torn in 6 months. The face has got scratches, but the big positive -- I never had to charge it.

This digital watch will need a recharge every 20 days.

  • Available in BD at any Xiaomi cell phone shop for 2,500/=, I guess. Can confirm later, inshaAllah.
  • Junnun Karim how are those sales centers better? Sells at a cheaper rate than others? or something else?

18-Aug-2019 12:31 am
