Post# 1564954742

5-Aug-2019 3:39 am

The issue with Kashmir :

The most likely scenario is that India will cancel Kashmir's special status which was signed in 1950. It gives it an pseudo autonomous, pseudo independence state. Like how our Chittagong hill tracks enjoy since the 90s. No one can go there and buy properties like how he can in any other region of the state.

Up to that is ok. Ok in the sense it's unlikely to cause the world order to get upside down. But the game will start after that. With so many artillery and armies amassed in Kashmir, which now independent callers are counting at 500k, India is likely to begin its advancement into Pakistan part of Kashmir. That will cause the world to get on its head.

Whether that happens or not is something to watch. We most possibly will know shortly.

May Allah help us all.

5-Aug-2019 3:39 am
