Post# 1564647779

1-Aug-2019 2:22 pm

Dil-Hajj - 1
عن جابر -رضي الله عنه -عن النبي -صلى الله عليه وسلم -أنه قال: "أفضل أيام الدنيا أيام عشر ذي الحجة، قيل: ولا مثلها في سبيل الله؟ قال: ولا مثلها في سبيل الله، إلا رجل عفر وجهه في التراب".

Rewards for the first 10 days of Dil-Hajj. Quoting some from "Guniatut Talibin". Not all of it might be authentic, therefore check with your scholar on what to follow first. I have provided link to the chapter in comment, and it's in arabic.

This hadith expresses : [worshiping] on these 10 days of Dil-hajj is better than anything, even better than jihad, unless one's body falls on earth.

  • any number divided by zero is infinity.
  • ^ that's the 2nd reasoning.
  • Vivo Tey "undefined" agree. But 1/0 = 5/0 = inf. doesn't prove 1=5. As inf != inf.
  • James Sheils, that's the third point which I was waiting for someone to teach the man in pic. We surely can come up with a agreed on result. Need to collect all possible solutions first.

1-Aug-2019 2:22 pm
