Post# 1564263256

28-Jul-2019 3:34 am

|| Islam : a soft introduction - 1

This is a series of posts that I am planning to write. But instead of writing the whole thing in a note and posting it once, I plan to rather write it in small parts whenever I get some time, and then later join these all into a large note when finished. Because that way things actually get done.

|| So what's a soft introduction?

Soft as in not going into too much detail. Soft spoken introduction. Not trying hard to prove the point. And such.

|| Audience?

Mostly my relatives and family members and people I know, most of whom though can read English, can't read Bengali. Also for anyone else that find this beneficial.

|| Not audience

Islamists that know a lot, and have a lot to rather teach me on "whats right", than to learn anything from me. Nothing in here for you bros. :-) You should rather get along with your group. No hard feeling. And if you are a manhaji, you will find everything I write grossly incorrect as usual, varying largely from what you believe "true islam" is. So don't waste your time here.

|| Not interested in a debate

I welcome correction in only solid facts only. Though not your opinion on which fact you believe is true and which not. Lets keep the comments clean.

May Allah help us all.


28-Jul-2019 3:34 am
