Retiring from my BD politico, I tried to get back to my old group, the US muslim community and islamic scholars. Whom I had been virtually with since the 90s to 2010. Namely Hamza Yousuf, Yasir Kadhi and other scholars.
Tried to catch up with what I have missed. Only to figure out the environment is none like what I have left before. So much has changed, so much division, and so much clashes. One can get quite lost in figuring out who's who, and with whom he aligns with.
Link to an article in comment that "exposes" everyone's latest "sins".
But then again, I have very broad range of tolerance on what others despise.
Time to check out who's who, still, in this ever changing world.
- Comments:
- But then there's a limit on how much one can stay away from politics and for how long. It's not about getting engaged in, but about having an opinion on.
- You say that every scholar in USA is a LG+ supporter now?
- well, i read what I expected to read, and never notice the anomaly. corrected.