Post# 1563785657

22-Jul-2019 2:54 pm

Your "voice" is the next thing that can earn you money. Right now everything you see on screen is fake, computer generated. The city, buildings, nature, every actor, room, corridor everything.

But one thing human still can't generate properly is human speech. Good speech which doesn't have the uncanny valley effect.

Where are the markets - you ask?

You tube videos. Watch how many silent videos we have with background music only. Because the creators can't record voice over. Which means it's a big business if anyone can provide a service.

And also in other news audio books are selling and making more money for creators than the old dead tree printed books. Note that audio books can't be computer generated. As generated voice are metallic and don't have that human emotion expressed, for it to be enjoyable.

22-Jul-2019 2:54 pm
