Post# 1563530281

19-Jul-2019 3:58 pm

Purchased my first item from China through Daraz. Took 15 days from placing the order to getting it delivered. No extra tax and the condition was written that any tax will be paid by Daraz.

It's a japanese abacus. Cost was 900. And for the wooden frame and metallic reset button, if it was available in any market in Gulshan, wold have cost no less than 2000, i.e, double the price.

So in that sense buying chinese goods through daraz, and geting it delivered in 15 days, and paying on delivery will save you 50% of the cost.

"So what's its use? Isn't it a waste of money?"

Suppose that civilization as we know it ends tomorrow. How would you perform calculation then without any calculator or computer? This one will save your day.

"If civilization ends, then calculation will be the least of your worries."

Well true. If it doesn't end, then I can earn an exorbitant amount of money by recording a series of videos on its uses and procedures and then by posting those videos on YouTube with ads. Which will offset the amount I spent, plus make a profit.

Or maybe I won't do it. And the answers given above were some brain twister for people that wonder at everything. Even if I make the videos it will be without ads. Only for geeks that love puzzles. :-)

19-Jul-2019 3:58 pm
