Post# 1562941385

12-Jul-2019 8:23 pm

Don't Go For "Interest" On Money :

It's strongly forbidden in Islam, and is cursed. The only reason why people put money in banks like Farmer's Bank and People's Leasing are for their high interest rate. And now every one of them has lost his deposit. This isn't new. Previously in the 90s there were other banks called BCCI and similar that did the same.

So How Can We Make Money Then?

It's discouraged in Islam making money directly from money. Rather you are encouraged to do some productive work with your money to make a profit. Produce something, transport something or any other service.

Isn't Bank Interest an Offset For Inflation?

Reasoning on this line will make you tolerant about "a little" interest, which in turn will make you justify any amount of interest because there's always one reason or an another. Rather leave it for the shake of God, and he will offset you with something far better later in life.

It's Better To Be Over Precautious :

The companions of the prophet ﷺ didn't accept dinner invitation from anyone that they have lent money to, because they considered the dinner as interest on the money they have lent.

When God is Pleased on Your Wealth :

It's called Barakah. Then whatever big or small amount you have will be sufficient for your need. When He isn't pleased, you will constantly find yourself in trouble, unhappiness and in need for more.

12-Jul-2019 8:23 pm
