Post# 1561976883

1-Jul-2019 4:28 pm

These recent "radical indicator" lists ain't going to change anything. Remember in the 80s? Our Shibir brothers had their trademark beard. And as soon as crackdown on them started, every one of them got rid of it. Until the popular "shibir indicator beard" indicated anyone but them.

So what's a radical indicator now? That your son no longer plays a guitar? That he wears his pants over his ankles? The next ones will continue to play his guitar and hang his pants bellow his ankles and will still be a "radical".

Similar to our shibir bros, to whome the work of "Ikamatae Deen" was more important than having a beard, it's more important for our "manhaji" bros to do the big thing whatever they believe should be done, than these small things listed in radical indicator.

I am not talking against shibir, I am not talking against manhajis. But the ultimate sufferer will be the next generation of boys that don't believe in any of these ideologies, but still want to follow a better muslim way of life.

1-Jul-2019 4:28 pm
