Post# 1545925634

27-Dec-2018 9:47 pm

Height scale :

10 km : height at which Boeing and Airbus planes fly. Also the height of Everest.

20 km : missiles, fighters and military aircrafts.

400 km : International space station. Shuttles.

400,000 km : Earth-Moon distance.

Any astroid that travels in between earth-moon distance is a threat. Anything that travels beyond is not.

But newspapers will trend to beat up the threat drum for every astroid. Check the distance with compared to earth-moon distance to get a real picture of the threat. Most astroids creating headlines pass 10 times the earth-moon distance.

  • ^ interestingly I don't have a count on how many status i post each day or post on any subject.

27-Dec-2018 9:47 pm
