Post# 1522369256

30-Mar-2018 6:20 am

News : Cruz who killed 17 students in ْUS school shooting last month, has been bombard by love letter from teenage girls & women all over the country with monetary help.

His lawyer says "in my 40 years as public defender, I’ve never seen this many letters to a defendant."

তোমরা যারা "ভালো ছেলে" আছো, লাইনের পেছনে যাও।

Every woman loves a fighter and a strong man. Even when what he does, isn't quite right.

এজন্য "মিঠুন ভাই" এলাকার সন্ত্রাসি হলেও তার জন্য মেয়েরা লাফিয়ে পড়ে। This is an old trend. And psychologist knew about it for ages. :-)

30-Mar-2018 6:20 am
