Post# 1521920535

25-Mar-2018 1:42 am


Me: "Delete this file."
Windows: "Someone is using it."
Me: "Who?"
Windows: "I can't say."
Me: "I checked using a utility. It says your file explorer is the one using it!"
Windows: "Well, I had to show a preview."
Me: "Why?"
Windows: "Because you selected the file to delete it!"

Me: "Rename this file from 'Source.cpp' to 'source.cpp'."
Visual Studio: "No can't do. That filename is already taken."
Me: "By which file?"
Visual Studio: "The one you're trying to rename."

Windows: I see problems on this USB stick. Shall I inspect it?
Me: OK
Windows, after inspection: No problems found.

25-Mar-2018 1:42 am
