Post# 1520882627

13-Mar-2018 1:23 am

How QM can't explain the basics of the creation of the Universe.

Attached an easy article that explains how vacuum energy contradicts the inflating-deflating universe theory, caused by quantum fluctuation.

Hypothesis that says our universe came to existence due to Quantum fluctuation is the most recent explanation that scientists rely on. And currently wikipedia gives this explanation behind the creation.

In short the article says.

  • Our universe is expanding due to dark energy.
  • Dark energy is proportional to space and not matter.
  • In early universe, space was so tiny and matter so large that dark energy would have been ineffective in creating enough force for expansion. Or even to balance it.
  • Even if in the future we come up with some new mechanism-explanation, which we don't have right now, it will be a hard pressed one to explain how that energy got balanced with gravitational pull at that time.

    These are in excess of the fact that vacuum energy doesn't match what it should be theoretically vs what we see practically. And scientists have absolutely no explanation why. The discrepancy is in the range of 1 : 1e22.

    1e22 = theoritical.
    1 = practical.

    • ^ সাদা জামার দুই জন।

    13-Mar-2018 1:23 am

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