Post# 1485447952

26-Jan-2017 10:25 pm

Doomsday clock set to 2.5 minutes to midnight.

আশির দশকে এটা যখন ৩ মিনিট বাকি দেখিয়ে সেট করা হযেছিলো তখন মনে আছে টিভিতে দিনের পর দিন পারমানবিক যুদ্ধের বিভিষিকার উপর অনুষ্ঠান দিযে ভরে ফেলেছিলো।

The type of outcry we saw in the 80s is now lacking. People now are marching toward death, with cheers.

Not that I am complaining. :-)

"Torture absolutely works" - D. Trump.

This was one major differentiating element in the 80s. Torture was the hallmark of the Communists -- the evil side. And people in Democratic states had "rights".

It's a wonder how quickly times and sides have changed.

Talking about democracy, USA has just been downgraded from "Full democracy" to "Flawed democracy" by EIU. A British body.

// that was all in today's...

26-Jan-2017 10:25 pm
