Post# 1484462932

15-Jan-2017 12:48 pm

On head scarf:

Huffington post recently published an article claiming that covering the head for women is not obligatory in Islam. And giving reference from 5 scholars. Someone has asked me to comment on it.

You can find the link in first comment.

Even if there is debate among the scholars on whether the face veil is obligatory or not. That's not true for head scarfs. Every Islamic school of thought agrees that head scarf is obligatory, and that has been such since the prophet ﷺ.

So what were the points of these 5 scholars?

Khaled Abou El-Fadl: says if headscarf causes more harm, then one can chose not to wear it.

I have heard some of the Saudi scholars saying such on wearing face veil for Muslims who live in the west. But none said it for head scarf. Its obligatory, regardless.

Javed Ahmad Ghamidi: says It was obligatory for the wives of the prophet ﷺ only.

This is the position held by Quranians. People that reject all hadith and traditions since Rasulullah ﷺ and rather tries to drive guideline from the Quran directly.

This is not the position of any Islamic school of thoughts.

Abdullah bin Bayyah: says Islamic rules can be changed on hardship as "The laws are there to serve human beings; we are not there to serve the law."

Well that applies to man made laws. Not for God's law. As humans are here to fulfill God's law. As said in Quran "... we have heard and we obey my Lord. Forgive us..."

Ahmad Ghabel: Shia cleric. Doesn't apply on us. They are known to prioritize reasoning over God's orders.

Nasr Abu Zayd: says it was a culture of Arabs, therefore doesn't apply for us.

This is also a Quranian stand. Quick google shows that he is a "Egyptian Qur'anic thinker." That's not how 99.99% of Muslim scholars explained it over the ages since the Prophet ﷺ.

If some one is looking for "relaxed" fatwa, one can opt to look at Egyptian Al-Adhar University's fatwa on this matter. They are the most "modern islam" version in the current world as far as I am concerned.

Their fatwa: the head scarf is obligatory while the face veil is not.

Beside this: the Salafi stand is that both are obligatory.

  • আলেমদের জিজ্ঞাসা করলে তারা রেফারেন্স দিবে। নেটে সার্চ করে দেখতে পারেন। যেহেতু এগুলোর উপর প্রচুর লিখা হয়েছে রেফারেন্স সহ।
  • লম্বা কাহিনি। কোনো নির্ভরযোগ্য কিতাবে নেই। কিন্তু কাছাছুল আম্বিয়া এবং এরকম কিতাবে আছে এবং অনেক আলেম এটা বর্ননা করেন। এই জিনিসটা উল্লেখ না করলে বর্ননা অসম্পুর্ন থাকতো তাই করেছি।

    আর কতটুকু অথেনটিক সে বিষয়টা এখানে কভার করি নি। এটা জানতে হলে আল বিদায়াতে দেখতে পারেন। এটা pending, যেহেতু আমার এই বিষয়ে আগ্রহ নেই।

15-Jan-2017 12:48 pm
