Post# 1484288182

13-Jan-2017 12:16 pm

সমস্যাগুলো এই আর্টিক্যলে বলা হয়েছে:

আমি জানলাম ৬ মাস পর।

Following the sad demise of Hazrat Maulana Inamul Hasan (ra) in 1995, this Shura system went on fulfilling the noble responsibility of Dawah and Tabligh across the globe on the marked lines set by the three predecessors till 2015. However, during this long period between 1995 and 2015 most of the members of the Shura Body have passed away.

In the meantime, following the death of Hazrat Maulana Zubairul Hasan Kandhlawi (1950 – 2014), one of the most senior Shura members, controversies among his followers and the followers of Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Saad Kandhalawi, another senior most Shura member, started to surface in Public. Therefore, all the senior members of the Jamat from around the world held a meeting last year on 16th November, 2015 at Raiwind Markaz, Lahore, Pakistan to fill up the eight vacant places in the Worldwide Shura Body.

The meeting at Raiwind passed some important resolutions, copy is available with us, for the smooth functioning of this great revival mission worldwide. Most importantly, the Tablighi Mashwara or the meeting at Raiwind emphatically resolved to continue its business on the Shura (consultative) system only and negated a particular Amir or leader for future.

As per the Mashwara and following opinions and suggestions from all seniors of the Jamat present, the meeting resolved that the present Shura Body would consist of 13 members. (1) Haji Abdul Wahab from Pakistan, the most senior member alive, who has been working with Tabligh ever since its inception, (2) Maulana Mohammad Saad, India, (3) Maulana Ibrahim Dewla, India, (4) Maulana Ahmad Lat, India, (5) Maulana Mohammad Yaqoob, India, (6) Maulana Mohammad Zuhairul Hasan, India, (7) Maulana Nazrur Rahman, Pakistan, (8) Maulana Abdur Rahman, Pakistan, (9) Maulana Ubaidullah Khurshid, Pakistan, (10) Maulana Ziaul Haq, Pakistan (11) Qari Mohammad Zubair, Bangladesh, (12) Maulana Rabiul Haq, Bangladesh, (13) Janab Wasiful Islam, Bangladesh. International Tablighi Shura body thus comprises 5 each members from India and Pakistan and 3 from Bangladesh.

The meeting also resolved that these members would follow and protect the noble method of the functioning of Jamat and if they need to add any member in the Shura or make any changes, whatsoever, they would do it with mutual consultation (Mashwara) and no major decision in the policy matter should be taken in Nizamuddin Markaz, India, Raiwind Markaz, Pakistan or in Kokrail Markaz, Bangladesh in autonomy without the Mashwara with existing Shura body. The meeting also resolved that in future when any member of this Shura passes away, a new member would be selected by the Rai (opinion) of two third members of the present Shura – thus making 2/3 as quorum of the present Alami Tablighi Shura (International Executive Body of Tablighi Jamat). The meeting minutes also noted that the meeting was deliberating and passing these resolutions to protect the Shurai Nizam of the work and to keep this noble mission collective one for whole of the world.

Maulana Mohammad Saad of India allegedly did not accept the above resolutions thus not singed on the document. Sadly, he disagreed with that Shura and declared himself as Amir-e Jamat, an audio clip viraled on social media reportedly from him, at least confirms this. As a consequence, Jamat members at Hazrat Nizamuddin Markaz, India divided into two – some supporting Maulana Mohammad Saad and some others are supporting Maulana Mohammad Zuhairul Hasan, a supporter of Alami Shura and son of former senior member Hazrat Maulana Zubairul Hasan.

The followers of both the individuals are taking extreme views. The situation is worsening each passing day. They are even taking laws in their hands and resorting to violence. All peace talks, sacrifices for each other, love and respect for fellow human, let alone your own brother in the work of Dawah, seem to be the stories of past! All the bad news are continuously coming from inside Nizamuddin Markaz for last several months.

Common followers, friends and well-wishers of Tabilighi Jamat are very anxious over this adverse situation at their world headquarter. Intellectuals, media and local administration, initially ignored it, as trivial rifts are common in every organization but on 19th June 2016, (13th Ramadhanul Mubarak) this rift took an extremely serious and ugly turn when some supporters of one of the individuals attacked their opponents with lethal weapons following a short argument on a petty issue over Iftar mat. 15 people were reportedly injured; some of them were very serious, admitted in AIIMS, New Delhi. Some of the very senior members, who support Alami Shura, have received death threat; their rooms were reportedly smashed. They left Nizamuddin Markaz putting the blame over Maulana Saad’s supporters, the letter addressed to Maulana Mohammad Saad dated 19 June, 2016 by Dr. Sanaullah Khan with sorrow and anguish indicates this.

  • এর পর ৬ মাস পার হয়ে গিয়েছে। এখন কি অবস্থা সেটা হলো প্রশ্ন। এবং এর পর কি প্লেন করছে। আমি যেটা বুঝতে পারেছি কাকরাইল আর মাওলানা সাদ এক দিকে আছেন। এবং পাকিস্তানের সবই সহ বাকি সকল দেশ অন্য পক্ষে।

13-Jan-2017 12:16 pm
