Post# 1482071244

18-Dec-2016 8:27 pm

News: China said it would return a seized US naval drone. Trump told them to 'keep it.'"

Feeling a bit scared. I don't know what Trump has got against China. But whatever it is, that seems to be leading towards a dangerous confrontation in the upcoming days.

The next year probably will be more eventful than this one.

  • corrected. thanks. :-)
  • grammar police বুঝার আগেই একট grammar correct করেছি :-)
  • বলে দেই, scary হবে না, scared হবে লাইনে।
  • But Trump doesn't bind himself with generally accepted rules. Therefore unpredictability is larger than norm. I would say.
  • Right that it goes both ways.

    Historically most war is started by leaders that are too dumb to understand the consequence.

    We shall know next year whether Trump falls in that category or not.

18-Dec-2016 8:27 pm
