Facebook Posts - March 2012

1-Mar-2012 2:38 pm

"ভবনের গেটের সামনেই নূরু লন্ড্রি। এ লন্ড্রির মালিক আলাউদ্দিন। খুনের পর পরই তাকে ধরে নিয়ে যায় আইন-শৃঙ্খলা বাহিনী। পরে তাকে ছেড়ে দেয়া হলেও এখন তিনি ভর্তি আছেন হাসপাতালে। কাতরাচ্ছেন যন্ত্রণায়।"


  • They say progression at the top of the food chain goes like this: happy life -> has everything -> lack of challenge -> bored -> depression.

1-Mar-2012 2:38 pm

6-Mar-2012 5:44 pm

8-Mar-2012 12:06 am

Very intellectual solution. Reminds me of Russians taking a pencil to space.
This post had an attachment, which is now missing
  • > "I'm still walking away with what it is that I came in there to get"

    The story actually starts after that. Two months later she walks back realizing that she was completely wrong about what she wanted. And then claims that the man was too submissive during her harmful demands and should have correct her in time. "Wasn't it your duty to force us to accept the correct thing even if we 'bitched' and was 'difficut'?", she asks.

    //auto-biography of a victim:-)

8-Mar-2012 12:06 am

9-Mar-2012 9:31 pm

Summary: Avoid arguing with anti-Islamic person thinking that you have some duty to defend Islam. Rather call them to Islam repeatedly, or otherwise leave that place.

For example:

Atheist: Quran has contradiction xyz.

You: I trust in Allah the creator on Heaven and Earth and lord of everything. [avoid bring up a counter argument]

Atheist: Yeah, once I was a muslim too but then I realize the wrong blah blah.

You: Fear Allah, because every one of us will have to stand before Him. [you repeat your call]

Atheist: You are dumb.

This post had an attachment, which is now missing

9-Mar-2012 9:31 pm

9-Mar-2012 10:49 pm

রাস্তার আইসক্রিম খাচ্ছে

9-Mar-2012 10:49 pm

10-Mar-2012 10:34 pm

"...so I sat there and said Allah, this is your chance! I am here, I am going no where, show me a sign..."


10-Mar-2012 10:34 pm

15-Mar-2012 7:30 am

"কাদের মোল্লার বিরুদ্ধে এক থেকে চার নম্বর অভিযোগের পক্ষে রয়েছে বিভিন্ন পত্রিকায় প্রকাশিত সংবাদ ও শাহরিয়ার কবিরের লেখা একটি বই." --- আমাদের বুদ্ধিজিবীদের বই হল রাজাকারদের বিরুদ্ধে প্রধান সাক্ষী।

এরপর অমাদের হেড রাজাকার গোলাম আজামের কাহিনী জানতে খুব ইচ্ছে করছে। at least ওই নাটকের নিশ্চই কিছু ক্লাইমেক্স আছে, নিশ্চই!


15-Mar-2012 7:30 am

16-Mar-2012 12:20 am

কয়েকজন বুদ্ধিজিবী লাগিয়ে দিলেই কয়েক বছর পর এ কথাটাই সত্যি হয়ে যাবে।


16-Mar-2012 12:20 am

19-Mar-2012 6:55 pm

"We're living in an economy where productivity is no longer the goal, employment is. ...We have pretty much everything we need. America is productive enough that it could probably shelter, feed, educate ... its entire population with just a fraction of us actually working."


19-Mar-2012 6:55 pm

21-Mar-2012 10:55 pm

Today I learned that my body's power requirement is 250 watt. DESA would have charged 1,250 taka per month for that electricity.

// Thanks GOD the power is generated from food.

21-Mar-2012 10:55 pm

22-Mar-2012 5:56 pm

This last over has flipped the odds.

22-Mar-2012 5:56 pm

23-Mar-2012 10:28 pm

In the meantime, Awami League, BNP কে এক হাত দেখিয়ে দিল। হা: হা: হা: Nice play Shekh Hasina... you are my Hero!!!

"Responding to a question about news reports in some sections of the Bangladeshi press to the effect that a former Director General ISI had admitted that the ISI had financed the Bangladesh Nationalist Party during the general elections in Bangladesh in 1991, the Spokesman said that these news reports were not only totally baseless but also part of mischievous efforts to damage the brotherly and mutually beneficial Pakistan-Bangladesh relationship." --- Pakistan Foreign Affairs.


23-Mar-2012 10:28 pm

24-Mar-2012 3:10 pm

Nothing good can ever come from someone getting involved into political matters. Never. Especially not even when his intention was to prevent injustice.

Even though all my life I had been preaching this rule, it was me that was breaking it recently. But now is time to be myself. Now is time to get blind towards everything. So that I can be more pious in the eyes of God. And bind my hands so that I don't add more to injustice in the name of preventing it.

Step 1: No more political posting in FB for next 6 months. And may Allah help me.

24-Mar-2012 3:10 pm

31-Mar-2012 10:54 pm

জীবনে যাদের হর রোজ "আর্থ আওযার"
গরমে আসেনি নিদ।
আধমরা সেই পাবলিকের ঘরে।
এসেছে কি আজ সেচ্ছায় বাতি নিবাও?

-- কাজী নজু।

  • Any sentence that starts with "Sometimes" is true. Because [almost] everything happens sometime. Like:

    Sometimes color of rain is red. [true]
    Sometimes fishes live on tree. [true]
    Sometimes good people are evil. [true]

  • Actually it is true for celebrities and false for aid workers. Both tries to keep everyone happy. But helpers are truly happy themselves while celebrities are lonely. Because you feel yourself not lonely, you are more of a "helping person" type than a "celebrity". Which also means your friends are wrong:-)
  • @Touha vai, "Every nation gets the leader it deserves". এমনকি অনির্বাচিত জনপ্রতিনিধিরাও ওই জনগনের একটি রিফ্লেকশন। তবে ভারতিয়দের এটি দোষ না। তারা তাদের দেশের স্বার্থকে বড় করে দেখবে এটাই স্বাভাবিক। আমাদের দুর্ভাগ্য যে আমাদের নেতারা আমাদের দেশের চেয়ে ভারতের স্বার্থকে আগে রাখে। But then again, that probably was what we deserved.

31-Mar-2012 10:54 pm