Facebook Posts - November 2010

9-Nov-2010 10:32 am

"Most software isn't advertised with detailed functional and non-functional requirements covering every possible use case. So if the software doesn't do something the way a user wants it to: is that a bug, missing feature, or simply working as designed?"

9-Nov-2010 10:32 am

19-Nov-2010 5:04 pm

20-Nov-2010 9:28 am

"They laughed at Columbus, they laughed at Fulton, they laughed at the Wright brothers. But they also laughed at Bozo the Clown."

20-Nov-2010 9:28 am

21-Nov-2010 9:29 pm

সুর্য ডুবার আগে শেষ পাথর মারতে হবে। ছয় ঘন্টা হেটে পাথর মারার জাগায় পৌছতে পেরেছি। পাথর মেরেছি। তাকিয়ে দেখছি তখনো সুর্য ডুবেনি। এটাই ছিল সে বছরের হজ্জের শেষ কাজ। End of a day, end of a hajj and end of a life.

21-Nov-2010 9:29 pm

21-Nov-2010 9:29 pm

Part of the new Jamarat complex. All five levels are visible. Once upon a time hundreds used to die here due to over crowding at peak ritual hours. Now everyone seems to have enough space.

21-Nov-2010 9:29 pm